Saturday, October 27, 2007

Philosophy and Ideology, the prisoners of the human mind.

Philosophy is the freethinking and comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and realities. Philosophy focus on evidence and facts. philosophy thinks and looks logically at facts. Philosophical thinkers tend to lead their lives.

Ideology is the setting of mind to believe. Ideology shuns facts, logic, evidence, reason and reality. It argues by threat and is blind to evidence and that makes Religion vague.

Humans as indocile, intractable as we are can't surrender our thoughts and thinking to a particular issue. Religion as introduced by man has caused a negative tendency of which the human mind and thought supposed flow. The human mind as proved is suppose to be set free without any binded thoughts and ristrictions. We lie to ourselves and bind our minds and feelings to an object called RELIGION. Man, has created many disastrous acts since antiquity due to ideological believes. Philosophers as regard to history have done no harm but help to establish a free thinking of humans.


I've no right to decide for no one but imagine a world without your beliefs? Will it be great or harm to you? Don't you think beliefs are too importunating? "Beliefs" as introduced by man has caused major damage to the humans mind until philosophy was invented. Belief tend to bind us in a corner importunating. Belief is imponderable yet humans continue to conform to it.


Your highest level of thought is your capacity to question. To others, your integrity is gone if you question your belief. Are believers thinkers? I will say a big NO because they are bound to trust and do whatever their institutions intruct them irrespect of its validity. Believers tend to only threaten and condemn which to me is not a good tendency to the human mind. As long as you are a believer, you are incapable of questioning your declared believes. What then makes you a human? Our minds are prisoners of our Beliefs!

I prophesy until the time humans say no to mind slavery of beliefs, learn to question, investigate and reveal the truths of their beliefs, there would not be a peaceful future for this generation!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Africa! Africa!! Africa!!! many have heard of it and continue guessing how it might look and it people. Many think Africa is like a jungle where monkeys, animals and humans live together and where life is inevitable. This is a continent where science prooved to be the genesis of mankind. This is a continent full of enormous profitable opportunities.

I would like to use this opportunity to talk about the potential investment packages that this continent have for the world. Many investers remain unaware of the past record and current opportunites in this continent. This continent has continue to suffer in every face of reality due to the negative image of the continent portrayed in the international media. Surely in life, where there're good people there're bad people.

Many might have read the role which this continent played in the history of the world. Of all the earth's continents, Africa provides the deepest and longest record of human history. It's where the greatest potential of mankind was invented. This is where slavery stated. This is where the indigenous white men discovered riches. The world still owe Africa for its existence.

Many who embarked to invest in this continent had really gain so much even though the investment conditions are deplorable due to the continent neglegence. Many come to earn a lot here and live it undeveloped which continue to tarnish the continents image.

There continue to be wars in certain parts of this continent but many refused to ask theirselves the real causes of these wars? Everyone continue to blame the Presiding leaders of these countries, only few who have visited this continent will agree to this. Some of the problems lies on the economic growths of the variouse countries. Lack of jobs. The youth grow up educated and find no jobs. These leaders turn out all the countries wealth toward the survival of their variouse families and living the average people on the street suffering. And when these youth see this going on, they turn out ricalcitrating the system which automically leads to war. Just put yourself in the shoes of these youth? Imagine you grow up, find no job and see the authorities misusing the countries wealth and you got called by someone called a rebel leader that hey, come on, we have no job and we suppose to sit and look at these people messing around with the countries wealth? come join us so we fight them. Automatically since these youth have no job, they join to fight. That is what is really happening. Thats whats going on in Sudan, Nigeria, Uganda and many other countries.

The only few countries who are not at war on this continent are the fortunate once with a little growth in the economy like Ghana. Also, these youth are involve in so many means to just make ends meet because they are being neglected by the authorities. Its just a strategy for survival for them when you see africans are enormously involve in internet scamming and so on. They just forget to think of the innocent victims involve. Its pity these authorities see all that and still can't do anything.

Many people seems to spit all sort of insults on Africans living abroad. These Africans are indiscipline and misconduct. What I can say about this is, the very good, sensible and smart Africans don't go out there, they are back home helping to build a better continent. Don't judge all of us with the attitudes and behaviour of those you see there. I myself and others have no reason to go and live our life out there with the intention we need a better life. Everywhere is still the same, people just don't understand this. Look up the sky, its seablue, the same thing we have here and everywhere else and that makes the world 1 dominion, it just how you approach it. There is really wealth in Africa but we tend to ignore all. United Kingdom, Belgium, France,Germany, Sweden and many developed countries are no where resourced than many countries in Africa especially Ghana, but these countries are far far away developed than we are. Who are we to blame all these? Our authorities or still the white men? thats a question many are not able to answer.

The last i can say is, if you are out there and need to see the progress of this continent Africa, please come and invest, come and create jobs for these innocent youths. There are very many virgin untouched opportunities here. Just present yourself to the right authorities so you won't get scammed. Many who have been here will say it, you can really make a lot here. Anyone out there with any experience regarding what i'm talking about?