Saturday, October 27, 2007

Philosophy and Ideology, the prisoners of the human mind.

Philosophy is the freethinking and comprehensive system of ideas about human nature and realities. Philosophy focus on evidence and facts. philosophy thinks and looks logically at facts. Philosophical thinkers tend to lead their lives.

Ideology is the setting of mind to believe. Ideology shuns facts, logic, evidence, reason and reality. It argues by threat and is blind to evidence and that makes Religion vague.

Humans as indocile, intractable as we are can't surrender our thoughts and thinking to a particular issue. Religion as introduced by man has caused a negative tendency of which the human mind and thought supposed flow. The human mind as proved is suppose to be set free without any binded thoughts and ristrictions. We lie to ourselves and bind our minds and feelings to an object called RELIGION. Man, has created many disastrous acts since antiquity due to ideological believes. Philosophers as regard to history have done no harm but help to establish a free thinking of humans.


I've no right to decide for no one but imagine a world without your beliefs? Will it be great or harm to you? Don't you think beliefs are too importunating? "Beliefs" as introduced by man has caused major damage to the humans mind until philosophy was invented. Belief tend to bind us in a corner importunating. Belief is imponderable yet humans continue to conform to it.


Your highest level of thought is your capacity to question. To others, your integrity is gone if you question your belief. Are believers thinkers? I will say a big NO because they are bound to trust and do whatever their institutions intruct them irrespect of its validity. Believers tend to only threaten and condemn which to me is not a good tendency to the human mind. As long as you are a believer, you are incapable of questioning your declared believes. What then makes you a human? Our minds are prisoners of our Beliefs!

I prophesy until the time humans say no to mind slavery of beliefs, learn to question, investigate and reveal the truths of their beliefs, there would not be a peaceful future for this generation!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Africa! Africa!! Africa!!! many have heard of it and continue guessing how it might look and it people. Many think Africa is like a jungle where monkeys, animals and humans live together and where life is inevitable. This is a continent where science prooved to be the genesis of mankind. This is a continent full of enormous profitable opportunities.

I would like to use this opportunity to talk about the potential investment packages that this continent have for the world. Many investers remain unaware of the past record and current opportunites in this continent. This continent has continue to suffer in every face of reality due to the negative image of the continent portrayed in the international media. Surely in life, where there're good people there're bad people.

Many might have read the role which this continent played in the history of the world. Of all the earth's continents, Africa provides the deepest and longest record of human history. It's where the greatest potential of mankind was invented. This is where slavery stated. This is where the indigenous white men discovered riches. The world still owe Africa for its existence.

Many who embarked to invest in this continent had really gain so much even though the investment conditions are deplorable due to the continent neglegence. Many come to earn a lot here and live it undeveloped which continue to tarnish the continents image.

There continue to be wars in certain parts of this continent but many refused to ask theirselves the real causes of these wars? Everyone continue to blame the Presiding leaders of these countries, only few who have visited this continent will agree to this. Some of the problems lies on the economic growths of the variouse countries. Lack of jobs. The youth grow up educated and find no jobs. These leaders turn out all the countries wealth toward the survival of their variouse families and living the average people on the street suffering. And when these youth see this going on, they turn out ricalcitrating the system which automically leads to war. Just put yourself in the shoes of these youth? Imagine you grow up, find no job and see the authorities misusing the countries wealth and you got called by someone called a rebel leader that hey, come on, we have no job and we suppose to sit and look at these people messing around with the countries wealth? come join us so we fight them. Automatically since these youth have no job, they join to fight. That is what is really happening. Thats whats going on in Sudan, Nigeria, Uganda and many other countries.

The only few countries who are not at war on this continent are the fortunate once with a little growth in the economy like Ghana. Also, these youth are involve in so many means to just make ends meet because they are being neglected by the authorities. Its just a strategy for survival for them when you see africans are enormously involve in internet scamming and so on. They just forget to think of the innocent victims involve. Its pity these authorities see all that and still can't do anything.

Many people seems to spit all sort of insults on Africans living abroad. These Africans are indiscipline and misconduct. What I can say about this is, the very good, sensible and smart Africans don't go out there, they are back home helping to build a better continent. Don't judge all of us with the attitudes and behaviour of those you see there. I myself and others have no reason to go and live our life out there with the intention we need a better life. Everywhere is still the same, people just don't understand this. Look up the sky, its seablue, the same thing we have here and everywhere else and that makes the world 1 dominion, it just how you approach it. There is really wealth in Africa but we tend to ignore all. United Kingdom, Belgium, France,Germany, Sweden and many developed countries are no where resourced than many countries in Africa especially Ghana, but these countries are far far away developed than we are. Who are we to blame all these? Our authorities or still the white men? thats a question many are not able to answer.

The last i can say is, if you are out there and need to see the progress of this continent Africa, please come and invest, come and create jobs for these innocent youths. There are very many virgin untouched opportunities here. Just present yourself to the right authorities so you won't get scammed. Many who have been here will say it, you can really make a lot here. Anyone out there with any experience regarding what i'm talking about?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Was Jesus the prophet prophesied by Moses & John the Baptist? Check this out.

For those with bible, take it and for those who don't have one, use this for all the references bellow Here we go:

"The Jews were eargerly waiting for the coming of "the prophet" prophesied by Moses in the book of Deuteronomy(18:18-19) up to the time of Jesus. They sent delegations to inquire about John the Baptist, whose confession is recorded in the Gospel of John(1:20-21)

He confessed, he did not deny, but confessed, "I am not the christ" They asked him, "Then who are you? Are you Elijah?" He said, "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?" He answered, "No

Christians regard John the baptist object of confession and prophecy to be Jesus christ.

Jesus is said to have declared that John the Baptist was the "reincarnation" of prophet Elijah according to Mathew(11:13-14; 17:11-12) and Luke (1:7). However, John the Baptist has expressly revoked Jesus on this regard when he told the jewish delegation in John(1:20-21): "he was not Elijah, nor christ, nor the prophet."

God said in Malachi(3:1), that prohpet Elijah will be sent only just before the coming of the great and terrible day (day of judgement), which statement, readers Jesus' words in the above cited gospels to be interpolations.

We read in the first Gospel that, John the Baptist did not know the mission of Jesus acording to Mathew(11:3). John said to Jesus "Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?" In the Fourth gospel John do not even know Jesus personally until he was baptized according to john(1:31): "I myself did not know him (jesus)." Whereas, in the third Gospel it was reported that both their mothers were related according to Luke(1:36 an 1:39-45) and personally known each other.
It was obviouse that Jesus knew his cousin very well according to matthew(11:11) when he said: "Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the baptist."

Did jesus really made such declarations? was John the Baptist greater than Abraham, Moses, David and jesus himself? Another interpolation.

Now, who was really this prophet prophesied by Moses and John the Baptist? I have to present to you the following arguements:

1. In the book of Luke(3:16) and in Mark(1:7), John the Baptist, said: "And he preached, saying: After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worhty to stoop down and untie. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with holy spirt and with fire."

The words "After me comes he who is mightier than I" present a very decisive factor that excludes completely Jesus from being the foretold prophet because Jesus and John were contemporaries who were born in one and the same year. And according to the history of true religion, it takes five to six centuries before another prophet comes up. The statement meant that prophet would come after John the Baptist and he will baptize people with fire, but Jesus came when John the Baptist still lives and didn't baptize anybody at all with fire.

It was not jesus who could be intended by John the baptist because if it were, then he would have followed him as his disciples and subordinate. But instead, John continued preaching, baptizing, receiving disciples, scolding the jewish hierarchy, and foretelling the coming of another prophet who was "mightier" (mark 1:7) than himself without taking the least notice of the presence of jesus.

2. In the book of Mathew(11:3), john was ignorant about the gift of prophecy in jesus until he heard it while he was in prison. John sent his disciples to ask him "are you he (the prophet) who is to come, or should we look for another?" This statment invalidated and made meaningles John's exclamation towards Jesus as reported in the book of John(1:9): seing Jesus coming towards him, he exclaimed: "look the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" If john said this, then he already knew jesus was the one and why he sent his disciples to ask again?"

Perhaps the above analysis is part of the Errors reported in September 1951 by Jehovah witness that there are 50,000 errors in the modern bible.

why are we getting ourselves deceived? These scholars weren't even smart enough, look at all the interpolations. why are they hiding the truth from us? why?

It still leaves us with a very big question mark who that prophet prophecied by Moses and john the baptist was because Jesus was disqualified? we will see again...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

MERCY KILLING, righteouse?

"Please help me to die, i want to die, pleaseeee!! pleasee!! Dr Kwame, i'm dying please please, ooooh God!! i'm in pains, end my life for me pleaseee!! Dr" Mrs Akose was crying for the doctor to end her life. "Mrs Akose, was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. She was in such acute pain she couldn't bear to be touched, she was really suffering, screamed like a wounded dog." Mrs Akose's life was unsavable, she would surely die soon, but why should her be tortured by the unfairness of life and suffer to her grave?

Life becomes so hard sometimes. I think a doctor who practise a fair mercy killing should be accoladed because its a time when man goes through a pain nobody can imagine. I think doctors duties is to help and not prolong life beyond a ridiculous point. People get badly hurt in accidents and get several of their parts torn out and only God could imagine the pain they go through and yet if they call for a mercy killing, the heads of the hospitals say NO.

I think Mercy killing shouldn't be considered as a crime but a last kindness to the suffering soul. I think mercy killing should be ligalize in every corner of the world so atleast, people wont suffer from pains in this world and the hereafter.

Assentment between the hospital and the family of the victim should be considered first.

What will you do to see your family member or perhaps yourself in an unbearable situation like that? Will you ask for a mercy killing or will rather suffer to your grave/ would you assent for a mercy killing for your family member? what will you do?

Friday, September 7, 2007

MARKETING in the biblical context.

In the bible, One day jesus was performing an ablution to go pray just like how the muslims do. His disciples walked on him and he tried to do the same ablution to them and they said "oh! rabbi, you don't have to do that, we can do it ourselves" Jesus replied "it's more blessing to SERVE than to be SERVED"

Here, i think the messiah started with the marketing ideology. I've always loved marketing. I think God created the world and left it for marketers to move it forward. Withouth marketing, nothing sells and nothing get bought. We must really appreciate the existense of marketing because marketing is the lifeblood of the world. Even the terrorist market their ideology so they get people to back them if not, how can a Germany born citizen turn to an al-gaeda?. Even Bush and his households are right now in the middle east marketing their weapons.

Marketers serves us just like how servants serve their masters. They convince us what is the best out there. Don't you think they deserve an apllause? Everything on this earth is about marketing Can you prove me wrong?

Bin Laden a hero or something?

All i keep hearing and reading on the news today is Bin Laden plans to release new video. i keep reading it everywhere, it makes me wonder who this guy really is? A terrorist has turn into a hero or what? why everyone so interested in a video from this guy?

What did Jesus mean?

Luke 8: 22-25
22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out.

23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

25 "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.

In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."
"Where is your faith?" What did jesus really mean by asking them where is their faith? did he mean if they had faith, the squall wouldn't have come on the lake? or did he mean if they had faith, they could have calm down the situation?

I dont think that was what jesus asked them. If he did ask them "where is your faith" then it wasn't the right thing for him to ask because he knew very well their faith couldn't have calm down the squall. I think this might be what he could have said "you didn't have faith the squall is harmless to us?"

That story is a secondary data, somebody collected it and was put in the Bible. You weren't there so do I and for that we can't confirm the validity of what he really said, but we are all entitled to our views and i hope you wont judge me. You guys knows all perhaps you can best explain it to me?

I doubt the September 11 attack....hmmmm!

Its only 4 more days to mark the 6th year of the September 11 attack and that reminds me of something i want to share with you guys.

I've always doubt how the September 11 attack happened and whom it was blammed. Not only I but many people as well have doubted it and have said their views. Everybodys view seems very strong and i think mine as well is strong. Look at how the whole thing happened:

The first airline crashed into the North tower at 8:45am and later in 18 minutes, a second airline also hit the South tower. Exactly at 9:40, a third airline also crashed into the Pentagon. The South tower collapsed at 9:58pm and the north also collapsed at 10:28pm.

The world trade tower was made up of steel which cant easily be destroyed by fire but rather a high grade explosives. The towers exploded into fine dust and shredded pieces of steel which leaves many engineer and researcher continual doubt of that incident because just an airline cant cause that.

I and others strongly believe nobody but the US governement plotted the attacks. I'm yet to make my point so dont judge me yet.

here are some quote from a research conducted on this attack:

"Residue of thermate, a compound used to cut steel in controlled demolitions, was found in the rubble."

"There are eyewitness statements describing molten metal in the rubble just after the attacks, as well as orange to light-yellow hot pieces of metal, weeks afterward."

There was a total agreement the towers didnt come down by just the airlines that hit it but an already set up explosives beneath the towers. Did Bin Laden came to set the explosives? lol just a common logic. The towers were definately demolished by insiders, who knows?

Here are my views:

Before september 11 2001, the America economy was gradually going down so they had to do something to gain world sympathy and to also increase domestic power so i think that is one of the reason why US government did that. If it was true the airlines that crashed had only 40 people on board and the other had bellow 20, then why didnt they join the other 20 to the 40 so the flight will move? The flight was supposed to take atleast 300 passengers, this showed the economy was down so people had no money to board flight. You feel me?

Immediately after the attack, a video came showing osama bin laden claiming to be responsible, this video was totally fake and lie.

Do you really think America of all countries (the SuperPower) will have no other means to deter any attack with their modern technologies? Especially Pentagon? it doesnt makse sense to me. How can a plane crash in the Pentagon? unbelievable, not even my President Palace, because its well protected. Where was the defence systems? lol and this is what they said about that "The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights." impossible. And also, the Andrews Air Force Base was only 10 miles away from Pentagon and there was no response from them nor the Air National Guard Unites responsible for defending the skies above the nation's capital. Think about all these

Please think very strongly and you wont be one of the believers of such lies. Here, i have few links bellow to support my post and also you can get to read the good 40 reason why you should be convinced the US governement plotted the attack.


Dear Rulers of the world,


I'm a concern citizen of the earth and writing to advice you on some of the seriouse issues that had been bodering my mind and some suggested solutions to them. They are as follows:

1. Halt the self interest war against terrorism immediately: Each and everday i wake up and turn on the tv, internet, radio and other forms of media, i keep on hearing about terrorism and war and i keep on asking myself, who are really these terrorist? and what do these terrorist want? If as a world, we would live in peace, harmony and justice, how can we have terrorist? I think the problem is, you guys always try to cheat on the innocents. You don't give what is due to caesar to caesar but you rather cheat on caesar and give to others. You guys always bully the innocent because you think you are strong, so how do you want the opponent to react? to also oppose any of your interest, isn't that right? well this is how the whole terrorist thing begins. So lets treat each other right, show love to everyone and give what is due to caesar to caesar.

2. Stop supporting one side: I wonder why when there is a war, you guys always support one side? This is also what breeds terrorism. Always try to be like a father who talks in favour of all the kids and not a father supporting one side.

3. Stop taking the fortune of the poor people: Stop using the war against terrorism to steal the little the poor nations have. Example, stop stealing the poor Iraqis oil.

4. Stop funding the troubled region: You've recently proposed to fund some of the countries in the middle east with weapons, i wonder why you would rather fund for bloodshed when you call yourself the peacemaker? Does this even make sense to you yourself? Use that money to rebuild the innocent countries you torn into pieces.I

hope my few points above would be considered and put into action. You may receive another letter from me soon.

Thank you.

Yours Faithfully.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

MIDDLE EAST COLD WAR - why should we worry about Iran and not Israel?

Why is that Israel started all this arms race in the middle east and nobody waged a war against them?

Why is it that Israel is allowed to produce WMD's and nobody is allowed to inspect them?

Israel is believed to be the 6th country with large nuclear arsenal compilation which goes this way: USA RUSSIA CHINA BRITAIN FRANCE ISRAEL*

There has always been a very BIG question mark when Israel's secrecy of WMD's production comes into debate.

I've been wondering why America, UN and all their allies don't talk about Israel's compilation all sort of nuclear weapons. Why is this? Israel had WMD's even before Saddam started his nuclear program and why didn't they invade Israel? I don't understand this, probably there is a reason?

Israel has the capability to annhilate the entire middle east but why a focus on Iran? Iran is believed to be atleast 3-6 years away from assembling a nuclear arsenal but why is it such a great deal to criple them when they are also excersing their right under IAEA for the production of a peaceful nuclear program? This is what i don't understand once again.
I have always believed American and their allies are bullying Iran all in favour of Israel. But why is Israel soo important to American and the West?

I think if Iran would be avoided from acquiring a nuclear arsenals, then Israel's should also be disarm. If this is not done, I think through ups and downs, Iran would acquire this weapons and it will be a big catastrophy in the middle east.

Lets stop Iran and disarm Israel, do you agree?

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Civilization is social order promoting cultural creation. It begins where chaos and insecurity end. For when fear is overcome, curiosity and constructiveness are free, and man passes by natural impulse towards the understanding and embellishment of life.
Civilization is the action; a developed or advanced state of human society. Since time immemorial humans have complained that life is becoming more complex, but it is only now that we have a hope to analyze formally and verify this lament

We, each of us, are parts of a greater whole. This relationship is shaping and will continue to shape much of our existence. It has implications for our lives as individuals and those of our children.

On a global scale, human civilization is a single organism capable of remarkable complex collective actions in response to environmental challenges.

With the passage of time, and with increased conflict i can boldly say there has been a pause or even last end to civilization. We are now in the modern world where problems seems to be every humans daily activity to tackle. Wars, conflics, confusions, insurgency has become the major domain of the modern world.

Each and everday, I keep wondering why the world is moving this way, i wonder who are the people in charge to keep it going on the right track? I wonder if God should send down another prophet to lead us or should God himself/herself come down.

It seems we as humans have redirected the track in which the world is suppose to go. We have created an opposite world. We are creating our own world full of conflicts and misery. Isn't this pity? Is this what we call civilization?

There seems to be unrest and non-stop wars everywhere. There seems to be no understanding anymore between humans. There seems to be no love anymore. Where are we heading to? I don't know, perhaps somebody on here can better tell me more? Or am i dreaming?

Can you tell me something? I'm really confuse, help me please?


Do you know we are living in an outdoor prison in the city? Even though we have no time in mind and not solitary confined, we still outside doing time. When our days are ended, then we become the labour of another universe. Lets do the right thing, lets do what the creator ask of us, so we can have our freedom and die peacefully.

Do you agree to that?


There has long been a debate as what is the greatest achievement of man. Many have argued as inventions and being a rich person with lot properties is the greatest achievement of a man. I've never agreed to this as many get confused when this question is asked.

I think the greatest achievement of a man is the day when a man is able to create his own world. That is a day when a man sees everything in the world positevely and the day everything else goes on well as expected. The day when a man can follow what his consciouse tells him and the day when a man finally get to follow what he think is really right and the day when a man never get himself influence by anybody or any other thing. These has been one of the difficult things every man can ever achieve. Few have been able to do it though.

To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement, which would place him beside his Creator, make him fulfill his Ultimate Destiny.

What do you think is the greatest achievement of a man?


A study of human Y-chromosome variation in a worldwide sample of over 1,000 men determined that Africans and non-African males shared a common ancestor 59,000 years ago and that the non-African branch of humanity left Africa about 44,000 years ago
Other data shows that Africans and non-Africans split about 156,000 years ago (Underhill, et al, 2000), (Ingman, 2000). Within Africa the oldest modern human fossil is just less than 160,000 years old and represented by Homo sapiens idaltu.

The two most diverse (and therefore more ancient) groupings (I & II) are found in Africa at low frequencies amongst some Khoisan and South African Bantu individuals, central African Pygmies, and lineages in Sudan, Ethiopia and Mali. A single Sardinian was in Group I and there was an Group II from Pakistan. The genetic information suggests an early diversification, dispersal and widespread distribution of human populations within Africa. Palaeoanthropological records suggest that this occurred during an interglacial 130,000 to 90,000 years ago. This is supported by faunal evidence, showing the presence of modern humans and east African animal species in the Middle East at this time (Underhill, et al. 2001

Outside of Africa, there is evidence for the early formation of a non-African grouping, represented today by the Australians, New Guineans, southeast Asians, Japanese and central Asians. All Y-chromosomes that are not exclusively African contain an identifying mutation, that originated from one of the two African groups, and evolved into three distinct sub-clusters, representing the deepest structuring of Y-chromosome diversity outside Africa. Palaeoclimatic records suggest an onset of glacial climates 70,000 years ago, accompanied by the fragmentation of African environments. This isolated both northwest and northeastern most Africa from each other and the south.

Isolation allowed African populations to evolve the variation later exported out of Africa more than once through multiple dispersals of different African groups. The current diversity found outside Africa is therefore a magnification of a process of diversification within Africa 90,000 to 50,000 years ago. Underhill's genetic study of the Y-chromosome shows further that populations not only trace their ancestry to Africa, but that the descendants replaced archaic human Y chromosomes in Eurasia (Underhill, 2000). The last common ancestor of all non-African human Y-chromosomes, is estimated to be about 40,000 years (31,000-79,000) ago.

Numerous Y-chromosome populations have been identified outside of Africa, but their clear definition requires more data. One mutation group alone has split into six Y-chromosome populations. Today there are very distinct Y-chromosome distribution groups requiring further study.

This work has laid the foundation for a clearer understanding of our recent human history through the new science of phylogeography

Whatever you do, you are an African:D Be proud.



Many people say education is a key, i've been wondering, a key to what? success? famouse? Fortune? Lucky?

Well, i've never agreed to this subject. Education only makes one distinct and perfect and nothing more else. If education is a key to success, then can you tell me a very well educated wealthy person in the world? Is Bill Gates educated man? Well from my side of the world, all the people i know to be wealthier are not educated. For this, i dont agree education is a key to success.

Do you agree with me?

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Each and everday, time is getting harder. Life is not hard as seem, take it day for a time and fulfil your dreams. Always remember your fears as they are your barrier to success. When you try and it didnt work, never give up because a failure today is a closer step to success tomorrow. We fall so we can learn.

Watch out for the places you walk and mind the way you talk. watch out for the vampires who will sneak up in the dark. watch out for the big time thieves who claim that they are smart. Always watch out what you do.

Test of time, test of patient, always remember TIME is the master. Your time will surely come. Remember, God never give more than one can have. Always define where you coming from and where you going. Believe in yourself my friend as you persue and always be excited over your career.

Always try to collaborate with others because nothing i know stands alone. Cooperate to achive a defined goal. Don't be greedy. Not even a tree stands alone, it got roots supporting it.

Time is so rough right now. I know if men could re-write time, they will live bellow crime. We can't change positive into negative, we have to take it like that, anyway, 2 wrongs can make 1 right. Lets take it easy with our brothers and sister, lets teach them the right thing today so we can live in peace.

Anything given free is always dangerouse, there is always something secret behind it. It always blessing to work for your own, so lets work hard. And being first is always the best so try to do what you are capable of doing best and soon your sunshine day will come.

Modern life get out of balance but nature carry us on the right path. And my last word is, FOCUS is the key to success.

Just some words of encouragement to get you going. I hope you it touhed you.

Can you add more?

Friday, August 24, 2007


Democracy has been one of the greatest step and achievement since the start of civilization. When compared this generation to the older once, the majority of the country's practise democracy than ever. There has never been a majority of government practising democracy until this generation and the there has never been numerouse wars everywhere around the world in the history unless this generation. For this, i can blame the whole situation on the modern democracy.

It is simply taken for granted, even among most self-described conservatives (and certainly among most libertarians) that the historic nineteenth- and twentieth-century shift away from monarchy and toward ever-greater democratization constituted a welcome step forward for civilization.

Since those who rule in a democracy are not the owners of the state apparatus but rather are merely temporary caretakers, they have little incentive to be farsighted, to preserve the country’s capital value and to think of its future welfare. To the contrary, their limited time horizon necessarily translates into a tendency toward immediate gratification. But since, on the other hand, a monarch can realize the benefits of preserving the country’s capital value, he is less likely to squander his resources in order to realize some ill-considered short-term gain

During the 1970s and increasingly in the 1980s and 90s, those who had been deprived of any say in the direction of their own societies and indeed of their personal lives demanded to be heard. They had many complaints – poverty, devastation of the environment, lack of basic freedoms, corruption of every sort. It was remarkable, however, that they saw lack of democracy, the absence of honest, effective elections, as basic to their predicament, and the introduction of free elections and free expression as an essential part of any solution.

The events of the last few years do not permit easy optimism that the world is moving in a freer direction – war, terrorism, government repression and crushing poverty still victimize millions. It is important to remember, however, that in the last third of the 20th century, democracy was restored or introduced into many countries that had been written off as not ready – and maybe never ready – for democracy. And although in some of these places democratic regimes have failed or are in perilous condition, in others – for instance, South Korea, Taiwan, Poland, and Portugal – democracy seems as healthy as it is anywhere in the world.

Before the late 1980s it was commonly believed, by historians and non-historians alike, that the failure of democracy to take firm root outside of Western Europe and former British colonies in North America and Australasia indicated that democracy was culturally foreign to most inhabitants of the globe. Anglo-European democracy was seen as rooted in the development of certain specific ideas and values over the very long term: the classical heritage, Christian respect for the worth of the individual believer, a tradition of “feudal” or limited monarchy, bourgeois commercial culture, etc. The road to modern democracy was marked by unique milestones that “Westerners” had passed in good time, but that everyone else had missed: the Protestant Reformation, England’s Glorious Revolution, the Enlightenment, the American and French Revolutions, etc.(2) The necessity of passing through these stages in a timely fashion seemed to be proved by the subsequent failure of many countries – notably in Latin America and Africa but also in southern Europe – to establish stable democratic regimes in the 20th century.

The history of democracy is hardly over. Indeed in the last decade the course of democratic change has become more complex. Regimes that once looked to be on the road to democracy have ceased to evolved; there are now many hard-to-classify hybrid regimes, not openly anti-democratic but allowing only as much opposition as is convenient to the local power holders.(10) Further, there is the widespread concern that supranational institutions are not sufficiently responsive to the people in many countries who are affected by their actions. Such phenomena as these are quite rightly mainly the concern of those with practical needs to understand current politics – foreign policy experts, political scientists, and especially democracy activists. Those fields privilege the possibilities of the present moment. But surely historians with their different perspectives can and should contribute to the understanding of current issues.

I think its time to change the direction of democracy under the rule of united nations. As it has been tradition in many domocratical countries that elections are held every 4yrs and if the people are satified with the rulling democratical government they can still give it (the rulling government) another mandate to rule for another 4yrs, this has been one of the problem depriving people everywhere of their basic human right and the right to live and decide for themselves. Its unofortunate only few countries like Turkey, Thailand and other countries have their military being independent from the rulling government, otherwise, the rulling government tend to use the arms of the military to threaten any means so they can use any political forces to still rule the regime through election riging. This is really the problem facing Africa today. Example in Africa is President Mugabe, former President Obasanjo who intentionally rigged the election for a member of his party and in South America, Chavez and Castro.

What I think should be done is, when the people give another mandate to the rulling party to carry on with it reformations, at the end of 8yrs of every parties rulling, that party shouldn't be allow to stand for another more year. With this, after a party serve for 8yrs, it doesn't have right under the constitution to run again until the next 2 more presidential elections. This can really reduce election riging by the rulling government so the opposition parties can also demonstrate their reformations. Because most of the times when a particular president ends his 8yrs of rule and hand over to another memeber of party, since the handing over president is in the same political party with the person, they intentionally rig the election so a member of their party will still rule the country. This is one issue the united nations should tackle I think.

What do you think about this suggestion? Tell the public what you think by leaving a comment.

By Muntaka.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


He said " I hear the crying of mummy which suddenly fade away by the blowing wind. It reminds me of the days she used to show love to me"

One day when i wake up in the midst of war, I looked beside me and my mummy or daddy wasn't nowhere to be found. I thought they went out to fetch me food but rather they were gone with the passage of time. Their blood had been wash away like a rain which accidentally washed away a dried maize in my village.

It was in the morning and there was nobody to feed, cloth nor care for me. I became homeless at the aget of 4yrs.I had nowhere t o go but to wish my soul could be at rest just like mummy and daddy. I went to the nearby bush to fetch water to drink with the broken cup my mummy left me and surprisingly, the lake has turn into a red wine. I thought finally i've found a refuge but when I approached and tried to fetch the wine, i saw the beautiful fingers of mummy in the red lake. I began to cry. I sat by the lake night and days, weeks and months until the blood lake dried away with mummys body.

Soon later, I was kidnapped by zonked youth in the bush. I was soo worried why the world is too intricatiouse. I was so insentient and felt so insensatiouse of myself. I suddenly felt maybe this situaiton is only interluding in my revolution.

Suddenly i became intrepid and decided to fight face-to-face with life. I started to controvert against the government and suddently my actions turn into contumacy. I and my friends started fighting the people in the conurbation which suddenly turn into a war. I started killing innocent mummys and daddys just like how my mummy and daddy's blood was washed away.
The first means of survival in the ghetto is crime and this is why there is a continuose and not-ending wars in our societies. Until the time we would learn to carry each others burden and treat each other right, there would never be peace.

All I can tell the youth and my readers is that, they shouldn't fight the authorities because its only a minutes to the top of the hour and they will surely be judged. So that cemetry won't be promoted.

By Muntaka.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Some say Adam was black others say he was white, well it doesn't really matter because black or white, all was created by the GIANT (GOD), may all the praises be to him. It was said in the scriptures, Adam and Eve committed a sin so God descended them as a punishment. But is punishment supposed to last forever? Way back in school, what i knew was they punish you so you can be good and be given a second chance. But according to the scriptures God never allowed Adam and Eve back to the heaven.

What sin was really committed that trigered God to send down the first beings he created? Whoa! it might be a big sin! Who knows, you were not there and I wasn't. The scriptures said God asked them not to eat a particular fruit in the garden of eden but they refused and tasted it. What will you do if i put you in a nice mansion with all sort of things and ask you not to swim in the nicest swimming pool when its hot? Whoa!!, i will be the first to snich and swim. Well for me, I dont really believe God sent Adam and Eve down because they refused and tasted the fruit he asked them not to, I think its more boyond that, you were not there and I wasn't. The bible and whatever the scriptures we are reading today are just WRITTEN TEXT by some white men with lot of bears in a basement, what if it all a lie to keep us thinking one way? Don't be a dump, always find out why you believe or doing something, don't just believe or do because you see others doing.

Well after Adam and Eve came down, what today is called Earth, they began living, they began to make family. Caine, was their first son. Life must go on said Adam to Eve. As time goes on, the family of Adam became extended so Adam one day said to Eve, baby now we have a large family and needs, so what you think we should do to provide for our needs? They decided to start farming so they can sell the food stuffs to provide for thier needs. You see, the first people created were farmers, they were not BLOGGERS! :D, they were not office workers, they were not weapon manufacturers nor thieves. So you see from the beginning God thought us to work to provide for our needs to make life better, if so then why are we soo lazy today to work? Why are we lazy to help build our better continent Africa? I think the most laziest community in the world are Africans. Hmmm!

What is really wrong with us Africans? Are we cursed? Do you know that 95% of big companys in the world started with money less than $500.00? Do you know that 99% of rich people in the world are servants? Those who are born in a gilt cradle and have never wanted for anything, do not know what happiness life contains, just as they do not appreciate to the full a clear sky who have never entrusted their lives to the mercy of four planks on a raging sea. Life must go on, thats what Africans always say. You should not give up and sleep on the street, keep going my brother. In the bible, one day, Jesus Christ was performing an ablution to go pray just like how muslims do. His desciples walked on him and he tried to do ablute to them and they said, Oh Rabbi you don't have to do this, we can do it ourselves. Jesus said to them, it's more blessing to SERVE than to be SERVED. You see, the messenger thought us to work than to sit down idleness. Bill Gates is producing microsft stuffs, sell it for you and make his bucks, hahaha, so smart, why can't you do the same?

I was talking of work work work, i even forgot, did our leaders in Africa provided us with good jobs? Gosh!!! sorry bloggers, we have the most corrupt and niglect leaders in Africa. I heard Africa consist of 50% of the world resources, whoaaaaaa :o so marvelouse, then we supposed to be the richest continent. Oh but i forgot, we are the poorest continent on earth:( Why this? It really crazy that you have full of water at your door step, you jumped from all that and go beg for a piece? Aren't you crazy asshole? Hmmm! sorry for using that word but i have to.

You see, let me tell you something. Ghana (located at west africa) is among 10 leading countries in the world that are enriched in Gold. Ghana is resourced than United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Greece, Albania, Poland, Germany, Spain, Netherlands.... many bigger developed countries you can ever imagine but guest what? It will take Ghana about 165yrs to be developed like those Nations above Hahahahaha, this is really funny isnt it? But why at all is it this way? Why? Why? What are they using all those Gold for? Are they drinking it or using it to build houses? And guess what? Ghanains are having energy crises which is not solved for almost a year now. The average citizens are sleeping in darkness whiles the governmnt officials and their familys enjoying the tax payers money. You really can't figure it out? Well lets just say its crazy. Life must go on as always said by Africans. This tell you the sort of leaders african have. They take all those bunch of Gold to their variouse secret agencies in USA and Europe whiles live the poor man on the street suffering.

Come to Nigeria, Niger is among the 5 leading oil countries in the world and N01 in Africa, isn't that marvelouse, what a rich country but guess what? They have been having electricity problems for years and wasn't able to be solved by the Government...Hahaha Obasanjo! :-p When the electricity comes after a 5 weeks of power off, the city people scream like a Christmas Day, wow, Africaaaaa! After all this Gold and oil, yet they go on begging at the just ended G-8 summit. African leaders are really *>* I hope you know what mean? :D Life must go on. If these so called G-8 summiters want to help us, they would have done it as promised 2yrs ago in Poland, they won't do it. A rich man will never help you to be richer like him, no way. Think about this.

Can we really unite as Africans? I heard a union or club called AFRICAN UNION (AU) just like European Union (EU), we are really funny. Are we really united? I don't think so. When you attend the so meeting at the AU, you would see a delegete from EU, why a delegate from EU? Aren't you revealing your plans to the Europeans? Hahahaha, African leaders are bunch of #*#>:-p This makes the Europeans think 20yrs ahead of you since he already knows what you up to. Doesn't that make you think the sort of leaders we have? Now how can we as Africa develop? Well well well, lets take Ghana for example, We say before we develop, we have to pass the foot steps of USA and Europe so we can become like them; hahahahaha, what a crazy suggestion. There is nothing to learn from USA or Europe, nothing at all. Tell me the continent which today Ghana as a country can go and colonize just like how the British Colonized us? Nooo way, it will never happen in the history of the world so we can never be like America nor Europe if we continue with our ignorant ideology. If this is to happen, then lets reverse the world back. I think its time we all sit at one table without any imperialist influence to decide the better way forward for our dear continent.

Sometimes I wonder if this is what we are deprived to be, wars, hunger, suffering children, child labour, child trafficking, etc. I thought we are all humans and that we deserve the right to live happily as resoluted by the United Nations.

Yeaahhh! United Nations, at first, I thought this body was set up to help make every human race be equal but now its clearly tells us we Africans, black as such are nothing but buch of labours. Why do we continue to degrade yourselves? Why do we continue to bow down to the white folks? Because of what? Lets grow up brothers and sisters. Look when the white folks were in Africa, they cheated us and took away our natural resources. Like British for example, the so called British Pounds today was a an original currency handed over by former Gold Coast (Ghana) to British with the persuation from the white folks we are going to be like a brother and sister. They used us for their wars, we laboured for their luxuriouse houses, they raped us and yet they neglet us with the so called we need visa to visit the heaven built with our resources. Why? Why? can't we realize this Africans. Lets stop bowing to the white folks. See God put these white folks under us. Oh! you don't believe it? Look under your feet, it had the color of a white folks :D We walk on their color, then why do you have to bow to them? Lets grow up Africa. Lets liberate ourselves. What we must know is that a black government is a black redemption and not white.

"Will you be a FED SLAVE or a FREE HUNGRY man?" that was the question put accross to our ancestors when these white folks first came to our continent. They first persuaded and exchanged guns with gold. They thought our ancestors how dangerouse a gun can kill a human being and now they came back with the same guns threatening us to come work for them or we go with empty stomach on our own motherland. Our ancestors had no choice so we had to labour (slavery). This is what happened. I think we as Africans in particular need to be compensated by these white folks. We must stand up for that now!!!

I pray to God everyday to show us the way out from this captivity in the hands of babylon.

There comes a dark age in every human generation. World War I & II is one of the darkest age that can never be forgotten in the history of the world. In our lives we face many philosophical realities that are beyond our control. There also comes an important community in every human generation. Years ago Egypt was once the important community in the world, Rome came to pass , the Jewish state came to take over so did the Arab world. Today, there is no doubt USA is the most important community in the world. In the history, we have all learnt during the Era of the dictatorship of all those communities above contributed an important history to the formation of a good cultural world for the generations to come. Tell me what USA as an important community in the world today doing to reforms the norms set up by the older important communities? Today America has turn into a society for criminalism which is acceptable by the democratic governance. Is this a right direction for the world to go? When America start trigering arms race, bullying the innocent, killing the children, helping kill the crippled nations in the name of war against terrorism? We keep talking of terrorism, who are really terrorist? When we both live peacefuly, how can it breed a terrorist? When you use human lives as weapons for your revenge. We should learn to treat each other right with fair compensation and there would be no hatred. There is no justice thats why we keep parting far away from peace in the world. I think the world is going astray.


United States Of Africa. Wow this is a prophecy worth looking, USA. Its never impossible for us Africans to neglect our cultural and political differences to becoming one body but once we set forth, trust me we can do it. But are we ready to set on that journey? You see, the USA you see today was once like Africa, it had many countries but they broke all those their barriers and turn into one Nation which today is the SuperPower. Can the whole of USA be compared to the future USA (United States of Africa)? Noo it can never be. If Africa we decide to unite today, we would becoming the most powerful community in the history of the world because we are enriched in all sort of resources. But why aren't we really doing this? We saw about 50yrs ago, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana had exactly this ideas for Africa which America used one of its imperial arms to bring him down (CIA). Why do we always allow the white folks to unUnite us? Whenever a black man is up to something good, the white man use force to bring it down, why can't we fight this prophesy that has no basis? when are we going to stand up AFRICA??? There is a saying in Ghana "Fear your best friend than you enemy" We always accept the white folks than our own brotherly Africans and this is one of the thing that has continue to bring us down.

Do you know the people I dont really like on this earth? they are poor people. I sound crazy huh? I don't hate them I only don't like them. Poor people don't give, they always expect to be given, thats us Africans. We always go out there begging when we have it at our front door. We always beg but we don't give to the people sufering. Do you know that poor people made Jesus to be crucified? You see when they brought Jesus and Barabas out in the market to ask the towns people who is to be crucified and who is to be set free, the people keep shouting, crucify Jesus! cruficy him!! crucify himmm!!! do u know the people who were shouting for Jesus to be crucified? It was the poor people. It was the poor people who were sweating and suffering to make ends meet in the market. The rich people were in their sweeming pools in their homes chilling. The rich people didn't come to mingle with the poor people in the crowded market. Now you see why I said I don't like poor people? They are the first people who will sell you out and the first people who would come and beg you. This is exactly us Africans.

Mordern life get out of balance but nature carry us on the right path... We live our lives like a stick of God in the flesh... We must be careful.

Hey don't forget to click on the comment buttom bellow to live a commnet. Thanks anyway buddy:D


United Nations (U.N)
Useless Nations (U.N)

I want you to judge by yourself which one above goes with the selfish body we have in the world today. I will go for the second choice:D hahaha
