Friday, September 7, 2007

MARKETING in the biblical context.

In the bible, One day jesus was performing an ablution to go pray just like how the muslims do. His disciples walked on him and he tried to do the same ablution to them and they said "oh! rabbi, you don't have to do that, we can do it ourselves" Jesus replied "it's more blessing to SERVE than to be SERVED"

Here, i think the messiah started with the marketing ideology. I've always loved marketing. I think God created the world and left it for marketers to move it forward. Withouth marketing, nothing sells and nothing get bought. We must really appreciate the existense of marketing because marketing is the lifeblood of the world. Even the terrorist market their ideology so they get people to back them if not, how can a Germany born citizen turn to an al-gaeda?. Even Bush and his households are right now in the middle east marketing their weapons.

Marketers serves us just like how servants serve their masters. They convince us what is the best out there. Don't you think they deserve an apllause? Everything on this earth is about marketing Can you prove me wrong?

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