Saturday, September 29, 2007

Was Jesus the prophet prophesied by Moses & John the Baptist? Check this out.

For those with bible, take it and for those who don't have one, use this for all the references bellow Here we go:

"The Jews were eargerly waiting for the coming of "the prophet" prophesied by Moses in the book of Deuteronomy(18:18-19) up to the time of Jesus. They sent delegations to inquire about John the Baptist, whose confession is recorded in the Gospel of John(1:20-21)

He confessed, he did not deny, but confessed, "I am not the christ" They asked him, "Then who are you? Are you Elijah?" He said, "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?" He answered, "No

Christians regard John the baptist object of confession and prophecy to be Jesus christ.

Jesus is said to have declared that John the Baptist was the "reincarnation" of prophet Elijah according to Mathew(11:13-14; 17:11-12) and Luke (1:7). However, John the Baptist has expressly revoked Jesus on this regard when he told the jewish delegation in John(1:20-21): "he was not Elijah, nor christ, nor the prophet."

God said in Malachi(3:1), that prohpet Elijah will be sent only just before the coming of the great and terrible day (day of judgement), which statement, readers Jesus' words in the above cited gospels to be interpolations.

We read in the first Gospel that, John the Baptist did not know the mission of Jesus acording to Mathew(11:3). John said to Jesus "Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?" In the Fourth gospel John do not even know Jesus personally until he was baptized according to john(1:31): "I myself did not know him (jesus)." Whereas, in the third Gospel it was reported that both their mothers were related according to Luke(1:36 an 1:39-45) and personally known each other.
It was obviouse that Jesus knew his cousin very well according to matthew(11:11) when he said: "Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the baptist."

Did jesus really made such declarations? was John the Baptist greater than Abraham, Moses, David and jesus himself? Another interpolation.

Now, who was really this prophet prophesied by Moses and John the Baptist? I have to present to you the following arguements:

1. In the book of Luke(3:16) and in Mark(1:7), John the Baptist, said: "And he preached, saying: After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worhty to stoop down and untie. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with holy spirt and with fire."

The words "After me comes he who is mightier than I" present a very decisive factor that excludes completely Jesus from being the foretold prophet because Jesus and John were contemporaries who were born in one and the same year. And according to the history of true religion, it takes five to six centuries before another prophet comes up. The statement meant that prophet would come after John the Baptist and he will baptize people with fire, but Jesus came when John the Baptist still lives and didn't baptize anybody at all with fire.

It was not jesus who could be intended by John the baptist because if it were, then he would have followed him as his disciples and subordinate. But instead, John continued preaching, baptizing, receiving disciples, scolding the jewish hierarchy, and foretelling the coming of another prophet who was "mightier" (mark 1:7) than himself without taking the least notice of the presence of jesus.

2. In the book of Mathew(11:3), john was ignorant about the gift of prophecy in jesus until he heard it while he was in prison. John sent his disciples to ask him "are you he (the prophet) who is to come, or should we look for another?" This statment invalidated and made meaningles John's exclamation towards Jesus as reported in the book of John(1:9): seing Jesus coming towards him, he exclaimed: "look the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" If john said this, then he already knew jesus was the one and why he sent his disciples to ask again?"

Perhaps the above analysis is part of the Errors reported in September 1951 by Jehovah witness that there are 50,000 errors in the modern bible.

why are we getting ourselves deceived? These scholars weren't even smart enough, look at all the interpolations. why are they hiding the truth from us? why?

It still leaves us with a very big question mark who that prophet prophecied by Moses and john the baptist was because Jesus was disqualified? we will see again...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

MERCY KILLING, righteouse?

"Please help me to die, i want to die, pleaseeee!! pleasee!! Dr Kwame, i'm dying please please, ooooh God!! i'm in pains, end my life for me pleaseee!! Dr" Mrs Akose was crying for the doctor to end her life. "Mrs Akose, was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. She was in such acute pain she couldn't bear to be touched, she was really suffering, screamed like a wounded dog." Mrs Akose's life was unsavable, she would surely die soon, but why should her be tortured by the unfairness of life and suffer to her grave?

Life becomes so hard sometimes. I think a doctor who practise a fair mercy killing should be accoladed because its a time when man goes through a pain nobody can imagine. I think doctors duties is to help and not prolong life beyond a ridiculous point. People get badly hurt in accidents and get several of their parts torn out and only God could imagine the pain they go through and yet if they call for a mercy killing, the heads of the hospitals say NO.

I think Mercy killing shouldn't be considered as a crime but a last kindness to the suffering soul. I think mercy killing should be ligalize in every corner of the world so atleast, people wont suffer from pains in this world and the hereafter.

Assentment between the hospital and the family of the victim should be considered first.

What will you do to see your family member or perhaps yourself in an unbearable situation like that? Will you ask for a mercy killing or will rather suffer to your grave/ would you assent for a mercy killing for your family member? what will you do?

Friday, September 7, 2007

MARKETING in the biblical context.

In the bible, One day jesus was performing an ablution to go pray just like how the muslims do. His disciples walked on him and he tried to do the same ablution to them and they said "oh! rabbi, you don't have to do that, we can do it ourselves" Jesus replied "it's more blessing to SERVE than to be SERVED"

Here, i think the messiah started with the marketing ideology. I've always loved marketing. I think God created the world and left it for marketers to move it forward. Withouth marketing, nothing sells and nothing get bought. We must really appreciate the existense of marketing because marketing is the lifeblood of the world. Even the terrorist market their ideology so they get people to back them if not, how can a Germany born citizen turn to an al-gaeda?. Even Bush and his households are right now in the middle east marketing their weapons.

Marketers serves us just like how servants serve their masters. They convince us what is the best out there. Don't you think they deserve an apllause? Everything on this earth is about marketing Can you prove me wrong?

Bin Laden a hero or something?

All i keep hearing and reading on the news today is Bin Laden plans to release new video. i keep reading it everywhere, it makes me wonder who this guy really is? A terrorist has turn into a hero or what? why everyone so interested in a video from this guy?

What did Jesus mean?

Luke 8: 22-25
22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake." So they got into a boat and set out.

23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

25 "Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples.

In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him."
"Where is your faith?" What did jesus really mean by asking them where is their faith? did he mean if they had faith, the squall wouldn't have come on the lake? or did he mean if they had faith, they could have calm down the situation?

I dont think that was what jesus asked them. If he did ask them "where is your faith" then it wasn't the right thing for him to ask because he knew very well their faith couldn't have calm down the squall. I think this might be what he could have said "you didn't have faith the squall is harmless to us?"

That story is a secondary data, somebody collected it and was put in the Bible. You weren't there so do I and for that we can't confirm the validity of what he really said, but we are all entitled to our views and i hope you wont judge me. You guys knows all perhaps you can best explain it to me?

I doubt the September 11 attack....hmmmm!

Its only 4 more days to mark the 6th year of the September 11 attack and that reminds me of something i want to share with you guys.

I've always doubt how the September 11 attack happened and whom it was blammed. Not only I but many people as well have doubted it and have said their views. Everybodys view seems very strong and i think mine as well is strong. Look at how the whole thing happened:

The first airline crashed into the North tower at 8:45am and later in 18 minutes, a second airline also hit the South tower. Exactly at 9:40, a third airline also crashed into the Pentagon. The South tower collapsed at 9:58pm and the north also collapsed at 10:28pm.

The world trade tower was made up of steel which cant easily be destroyed by fire but rather a high grade explosives. The towers exploded into fine dust and shredded pieces of steel which leaves many engineer and researcher continual doubt of that incident because just an airline cant cause that.

I and others strongly believe nobody but the US governement plotted the attacks. I'm yet to make my point so dont judge me yet.

here are some quote from a research conducted on this attack:

"Residue of thermate, a compound used to cut steel in controlled demolitions, was found in the rubble."

"There are eyewitness statements describing molten metal in the rubble just after the attacks, as well as orange to light-yellow hot pieces of metal, weeks afterward."

There was a total agreement the towers didnt come down by just the airlines that hit it but an already set up explosives beneath the towers. Did Bin Laden came to set the explosives? lol just a common logic. The towers were definately demolished by insiders, who knows?

Here are my views:

Before september 11 2001, the America economy was gradually going down so they had to do something to gain world sympathy and to also increase domestic power so i think that is one of the reason why US government did that. If it was true the airlines that crashed had only 40 people on board and the other had bellow 20, then why didnt they join the other 20 to the 40 so the flight will move? The flight was supposed to take atleast 300 passengers, this showed the economy was down so people had no money to board flight. You feel me?

Immediately after the attack, a video came showing osama bin laden claiming to be responsible, this video was totally fake and lie.

Do you really think America of all countries (the SuperPower) will have no other means to deter any attack with their modern technologies? Especially Pentagon? it doesnt makse sense to me. How can a plane crash in the Pentagon? unbelievable, not even my President Palace, because its well protected. Where was the defence systems? lol and this is what they said about that "The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights." impossible. And also, the Andrews Air Force Base was only 10 miles away from Pentagon and there was no response from them nor the Air National Guard Unites responsible for defending the skies above the nation's capital. Think about all these

Please think very strongly and you wont be one of the believers of such lies. Here, i have few links bellow to support my post and also you can get to read the good 40 reason why you should be convinced the US governement plotted the attack.


Dear Rulers of the world,


I'm a concern citizen of the earth and writing to advice you on some of the seriouse issues that had been bodering my mind and some suggested solutions to them. They are as follows:

1. Halt the self interest war against terrorism immediately: Each and everday i wake up and turn on the tv, internet, radio and other forms of media, i keep on hearing about terrorism and war and i keep on asking myself, who are really these terrorist? and what do these terrorist want? If as a world, we would live in peace, harmony and justice, how can we have terrorist? I think the problem is, you guys always try to cheat on the innocents. You don't give what is due to caesar to caesar but you rather cheat on caesar and give to others. You guys always bully the innocent because you think you are strong, so how do you want the opponent to react? to also oppose any of your interest, isn't that right? well this is how the whole terrorist thing begins. So lets treat each other right, show love to everyone and give what is due to caesar to caesar.

2. Stop supporting one side: I wonder why when there is a war, you guys always support one side? This is also what breeds terrorism. Always try to be like a father who talks in favour of all the kids and not a father supporting one side.

3. Stop taking the fortune of the poor people: Stop using the war against terrorism to steal the little the poor nations have. Example, stop stealing the poor Iraqis oil.

4. Stop funding the troubled region: You've recently proposed to fund some of the countries in the middle east with weapons, i wonder why you would rather fund for bloodshed when you call yourself the peacemaker? Does this even make sense to you yourself? Use that money to rebuild the innocent countries you torn into pieces.I

hope my few points above would be considered and put into action. You may receive another letter from me soon.

Thank you.

Yours Faithfully.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

MIDDLE EAST COLD WAR - why should we worry about Iran and not Israel?

Why is that Israel started all this arms race in the middle east and nobody waged a war against them?

Why is it that Israel is allowed to produce WMD's and nobody is allowed to inspect them?

Israel is believed to be the 6th country with large nuclear arsenal compilation which goes this way: USA RUSSIA CHINA BRITAIN FRANCE ISRAEL*

There has always been a very BIG question mark when Israel's secrecy of WMD's production comes into debate.

I've been wondering why America, UN and all their allies don't talk about Israel's compilation all sort of nuclear weapons. Why is this? Israel had WMD's even before Saddam started his nuclear program and why didn't they invade Israel? I don't understand this, probably there is a reason?

Israel has the capability to annhilate the entire middle east but why a focus on Iran? Iran is believed to be atleast 3-6 years away from assembling a nuclear arsenal but why is it such a great deal to criple them when they are also excersing their right under IAEA for the production of a peaceful nuclear program? This is what i don't understand once again.
I have always believed American and their allies are bullying Iran all in favour of Israel. But why is Israel soo important to American and the West?

I think if Iran would be avoided from acquiring a nuclear arsenals, then Israel's should also be disarm. If this is not done, I think through ups and downs, Iran would acquire this weapons and it will be a big catastrophy in the middle east.

Lets stop Iran and disarm Israel, do you agree?

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Civilization is social order promoting cultural creation. It begins where chaos and insecurity end. For when fear is overcome, curiosity and constructiveness are free, and man passes by natural impulse towards the understanding and embellishment of life.
Civilization is the action; a developed or advanced state of human society. Since time immemorial humans have complained that life is becoming more complex, but it is only now that we have a hope to analyze formally and verify this lament

We, each of us, are parts of a greater whole. This relationship is shaping and will continue to shape much of our existence. It has implications for our lives as individuals and those of our children.

On a global scale, human civilization is a single organism capable of remarkable complex collective actions in response to environmental challenges.

With the passage of time, and with increased conflict i can boldly say there has been a pause or even last end to civilization. We are now in the modern world where problems seems to be every humans daily activity to tackle. Wars, conflics, confusions, insurgency has become the major domain of the modern world.

Each and everday, I keep wondering why the world is moving this way, i wonder who are the people in charge to keep it going on the right track? I wonder if God should send down another prophet to lead us or should God himself/herself come down.

It seems we as humans have redirected the track in which the world is suppose to go. We have created an opposite world. We are creating our own world full of conflicts and misery. Isn't this pity? Is this what we call civilization?

There seems to be unrest and non-stop wars everywhere. There seems to be no understanding anymore between humans. There seems to be no love anymore. Where are we heading to? I don't know, perhaps somebody on here can better tell me more? Or am i dreaming?

Can you tell me something? I'm really confuse, help me please?


Do you know we are living in an outdoor prison in the city? Even though we have no time in mind and not solitary confined, we still outside doing time. When our days are ended, then we become the labour of another universe. Lets do the right thing, lets do what the creator ask of us, so we can have our freedom and die peacefully.

Do you agree to that?


There has long been a debate as what is the greatest achievement of man. Many have argued as inventions and being a rich person with lot properties is the greatest achievement of a man. I've never agreed to this as many get confused when this question is asked.

I think the greatest achievement of a man is the day when a man is able to create his own world. That is a day when a man sees everything in the world positevely and the day everything else goes on well as expected. The day when a man can follow what his consciouse tells him and the day when a man finally get to follow what he think is really right and the day when a man never get himself influence by anybody or any other thing. These has been one of the difficult things every man can ever achieve. Few have been able to do it though.

To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement, which would place him beside his Creator, make him fulfill his Ultimate Destiny.

What do you think is the greatest achievement of a man?


A study of human Y-chromosome variation in a worldwide sample of over 1,000 men determined that Africans and non-African males shared a common ancestor 59,000 years ago and that the non-African branch of humanity left Africa about 44,000 years ago
Other data shows that Africans and non-Africans split about 156,000 years ago (Underhill, et al, 2000), (Ingman, 2000). Within Africa the oldest modern human fossil is just less than 160,000 years old and represented by Homo sapiens idaltu.

The two most diverse (and therefore more ancient) groupings (I & II) are found in Africa at low frequencies amongst some Khoisan and South African Bantu individuals, central African Pygmies, and lineages in Sudan, Ethiopia and Mali. A single Sardinian was in Group I and there was an Group II from Pakistan. The genetic information suggests an early diversification, dispersal and widespread distribution of human populations within Africa. Palaeoanthropological records suggest that this occurred during an interglacial 130,000 to 90,000 years ago. This is supported by faunal evidence, showing the presence of modern humans and east African animal species in the Middle East at this time (Underhill, et al. 2001

Outside of Africa, there is evidence for the early formation of a non-African grouping, represented today by the Australians, New Guineans, southeast Asians, Japanese and central Asians. All Y-chromosomes that are not exclusively African contain an identifying mutation, that originated from one of the two African groups, and evolved into three distinct sub-clusters, representing the deepest structuring of Y-chromosome diversity outside Africa. Palaeoclimatic records suggest an onset of glacial climates 70,000 years ago, accompanied by the fragmentation of African environments. This isolated both northwest and northeastern most Africa from each other and the south.

Isolation allowed African populations to evolve the variation later exported out of Africa more than once through multiple dispersals of different African groups. The current diversity found outside Africa is therefore a magnification of a process of diversification within Africa 90,000 to 50,000 years ago. Underhill's genetic study of the Y-chromosome shows further that populations not only trace their ancestry to Africa, but that the descendants replaced archaic human Y chromosomes in Eurasia (Underhill, 2000). The last common ancestor of all non-African human Y-chromosomes, is estimated to be about 40,000 years (31,000-79,000) ago.

Numerous Y-chromosome populations have been identified outside of Africa, but their clear definition requires more data. One mutation group alone has split into six Y-chromosome populations. Today there are very distinct Y-chromosome distribution groups requiring further study.

This work has laid the foundation for a clearer understanding of our recent human history through the new science of phylogeography

Whatever you do, you are an African:D Be proud.



Many people say education is a key, i've been wondering, a key to what? success? famouse? Fortune? Lucky?

Well, i've never agreed to this subject. Education only makes one distinct and perfect and nothing more else. If education is a key to success, then can you tell me a very well educated wealthy person in the world? Is Bill Gates educated man? Well from my side of the world, all the people i know to be wealthier are not educated. For this, i dont agree education is a key to success.

Do you agree with me?