Saturday, September 1, 2007


Civilization is social order promoting cultural creation. It begins where chaos and insecurity end. For when fear is overcome, curiosity and constructiveness are free, and man passes by natural impulse towards the understanding and embellishment of life.
Civilization is the action; a developed or advanced state of human society. Since time immemorial humans have complained that life is becoming more complex, but it is only now that we have a hope to analyze formally and verify this lament

We, each of us, are parts of a greater whole. This relationship is shaping and will continue to shape much of our existence. It has implications for our lives as individuals and those of our children.

On a global scale, human civilization is a single organism capable of remarkable complex collective actions in response to environmental challenges.

With the passage of time, and with increased conflict i can boldly say there has been a pause or even last end to civilization. We are now in the modern world where problems seems to be every humans daily activity to tackle. Wars, conflics, confusions, insurgency has become the major domain of the modern world.

Each and everday, I keep wondering why the world is moving this way, i wonder who are the people in charge to keep it going on the right track? I wonder if God should send down another prophet to lead us or should God himself/herself come down.

It seems we as humans have redirected the track in which the world is suppose to go. We have created an opposite world. We are creating our own world full of conflicts and misery. Isn't this pity? Is this what we call civilization?

There seems to be unrest and non-stop wars everywhere. There seems to be no understanding anymore between humans. There seems to be no love anymore. Where are we heading to? I don't know, perhaps somebody on here can better tell me more? Or am i dreaming?

Can you tell me something? I'm really confuse, help me please?

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