Thursday, August 30, 2007


Each and everday, time is getting harder. Life is not hard as seem, take it day for a time and fulfil your dreams. Always remember your fears as they are your barrier to success. When you try and it didnt work, never give up because a failure today is a closer step to success tomorrow. We fall so we can learn.

Watch out for the places you walk and mind the way you talk. watch out for the vampires who will sneak up in the dark. watch out for the big time thieves who claim that they are smart. Always watch out what you do.

Test of time, test of patient, always remember TIME is the master. Your time will surely come. Remember, God never give more than one can have. Always define where you coming from and where you going. Believe in yourself my friend as you persue and always be excited over your career.

Always try to collaborate with others because nothing i know stands alone. Cooperate to achive a defined goal. Don't be greedy. Not even a tree stands alone, it got roots supporting it.

Time is so rough right now. I know if men could re-write time, they will live bellow crime. We can't change positive into negative, we have to take it like that, anyway, 2 wrongs can make 1 right. Lets take it easy with our brothers and sister, lets teach them the right thing today so we can live in peace.

Anything given free is always dangerouse, there is always something secret behind it. It always blessing to work for your own, so lets work hard. And being first is always the best so try to do what you are capable of doing best and soon your sunshine day will come.

Modern life get out of balance but nature carry us on the right path. And my last word is, FOCUS is the key to success.

Just some words of encouragement to get you going. I hope you it touhed you.

Can you add more?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im very impress with ur words of encouragement. thanks man.

kojo from ghana